Johnny Cash-Walk The Line. Melodické rytmické songy připomínají i české zpěváky, ale lehkostí a uměním mnohé předčí.

Johnny Cash
Nestárnoucí písně jsou stále živé i po letech a objevujeme je v dnešní době. Jistě někomu z vás i po letech něco poví, co neznáte. Melodické rytmické songy připomínají i české zpěváky, ale lehkostí a uměním mnohé předčí. Texty ponechávám v původní verzi (anglicky) dnes už umíte pracovat s překladačem (a znáte předpokládám anglický jazyk) tak překládejte, ať přijdete skvělému songu na chuť. Setkal jsem se s tím, že tato píseň je dost mladým blízká...
Hezké zimní a vánoční dny přeji a radostné vánoce s těmi pravými dárky!
Johnny Cash
1. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the ties that bind
because you're mine I walk the line.

2. I find it very very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day is true
yes I'll admit that I'm a fool for you
because you're mine I walk the line.

3. Just as sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
and happiness I've known proves that I'm right
because you're mine I walk the line.

4. You've got a way to keep me on your side
gave me cause for love that I can't hide
for you I know I'd even tried to turn to tide
because you're mine I walk the line.

5.=1. + because you're mine I walk the line.
Johnny Cash-Walk The Line

Johnny Cash was a Grammy Award-winning American singer- songwriter and one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Primarily a country music artist, his songs and sound spanned many other genres including rockabilly and rock and roll, as well as blues, folk and gospel. Cash was known for his deep, distinctive bass-baritone voice, the "freight train" sound of his Tennessee Three backing band, his demeanor, and his dark clothing, which earned him the nickname "The Man in Black". Johnny Cash traditionally started his concerts with the introduction "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash". Much of Cash's music, especially that of his later career, echoed themes of sorrow, moral tribulation, and redemption.
Johnny Cash was born in the small town of Kingsland, in the hill country of southern Arkansas on February 26, 1932. Life had always been difficult there, but when the Great Depression destroyed the fragile agricultural economy of the region, Johnny's parents, Ray and Carrie Cash, could barely earn enough to feed their seven children. In 1935, the New Deal administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged marginal farmers from the hill country to resettle in the more fertile soil of northeastern Arkansas. The Cash family took the government up on this offer and made the move. Working together, they cleared 20 acres of land to grow cotton. Johnny worked side by side with his parents on the farm. Cash was very close to his brother Jack, who was two years older. In 1944, Jack was pulled into a whirling table saw in the mill where he worked, and cut almost in two. He suffered for over a week before he died. Cash often spoke of the horrible guilt he felt over this incident. Music was an integral part of everyday life in the Cash household. John soaked up a variety of musical influences ranging from his mother's folk songs and hymns to the work songs from the fields and nearby railroad yards. He absorbed these sounds like sponge absorbs water.
Cash began playing the guitar and writing songs at age 12. During high school, he performed frequently on radio station KLCN in Blytheville, Arkansas. While in the Air Force Cash organized his first band, the Landsberg Barbarians. After his discharge in 1954, Cash returned stateside and married Vivian Liberto. He and his new bride soon settled in Memphis where Cash worked a variety of jobs and played music with his friends when he could. In 1954, he was signed to the Sun Records label owned by Sam Phillips, who had also discovered rock 'n rollers Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis. Philips was impressed with the song "Hey Porter" Cash had written when he was returning home from the Air Force. When Phillips wanted a ballad for the b-side of "Hey Porter," Cash wrote "Cry, Cry, Cry" overnight. Johnny Cash and his sidemen, the Tennessee Two, began touring with Elvis Presley and the other Sun Records artists.

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